The Olympics

The Olympics


News, information and stories about the Olympic Games in Athens 2004 and the Olympics in general up until 2007.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The Butler, Sorry, Coach Did It

It seems that one half of the "Dynamic Duo" of sprinting, Kenteris, can't keep his mouth shut; and is still protesting his innocence, in relation to the earlier doping scandal that got him kicked out of the Games.

My sources tell me that Kenteris has had non-stop coverage on his home island of Lesbos; being kissed by all and sundry, posing for photo's with old ladies, babies and even a priest. He is still proclaiming his innocence, and blamed it all on the coach; he thought that he was only taking vitamins.

Methinks he doth protest too much!

In other news...

Having gotten rid of the Olympics, Greece is now on war footing for a football match between Greece and Turkey; word has it the riot police are already on the streets, even before the game has started.

Ah, where did the Olympic spirit of co-operation and friendly competition go?

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