The Olympics

The Olympics


News, information and stories about the Olympic Games in Athens 2004 and the Olympics in general up until 2007.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Snouts In The Trough

Anxious to ensure that as many people as possible make as much money as possible out of the 2012 London Olympics, the IPA and the Advertising Association said that they welcomed changes to the London Olympics and Paralympics Bill proposed by the House of Lords earlier this week.

However, they want further amendments to be made.


"The amendments to the Bill are limited and the Act will still mean that only official sponsors will be able to associate themselves with the London 2012 Games.

Any form of association with the Games by unofficial sponsors will be an infringement of the new association right

The IPA is lobbying for changes to the bill, to ensure that there is "genuine freedom of commercial expression, especially that of local businesses."

The list of protected words includes "Games", which advertisers are asked to avoid using.

The Lords have stated that there will be no automatic presumption that the law has been broken, if adverts carry these words, and that it will be left to the courts to decide whether there has been an infringement.

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