The Olympics

The Olympics


News, information and stories about the Olympic Games in Athens 2004 and the Olympics in general up until 2007.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Olympic Stamina

Menzies Campbell, the former British 200 metre sprinter in the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games, was elected as the new leader of Britain's Liberal democrat party yesterday.

At 64, despite being the oldest candidate, Ming (as he prefers to be known) proved that Olympic stamina and pacing can be beneficial in matters that at first sight seem unrelated to sport.

Ming held the British 100 metres record from 1967 to 1974, and had been acting leader for the Liberal Democrats since previous leader Charles Kennedy was forced to resign over alcoholism issues a few months ago.

It had been a lively campaign for the other candidates, with accusations relating to alcoholism, homosexuality and rent boys being splashed across the front pages. Ming had a poteless record, as far as these matters were concerned.

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